- “Country Marriage”- the leisure program at The Museum of Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsi”. The rebirth of the ancient tradition of Russian hospitality, feast with cheerful games, round dances. You have a good chance to become a guest at a wedding, to see a matchmaking ceremony, bride’s ransom, survey of the dowry, matchmaker’s coming to the bride’s house, songs of prince’s table , to taste country food-(Novgorod pies, honey drinks) to take part in dances and country quadrille.
Duration: 1.5-2 hours
- “Maslenitsa”-The Russian holiday in the open air or at The Museum of Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsi”, which originates in the paganism, and nowadays still has its ancient coloring. Open-air merrymaking, “charmed” pancakes and refreshments, “fascinating” of fiancй, folk games “sheliga’’, “kaletchina-maletchina”, sleighing in single file, burning of Maslenitsa scarecrow.
Duration: 2 hours
- “Soroki”-Welcoming of Spring. Taking part in folk games, ancient songs, joyful open-air merrymaking- leave a lasting impression about visit to Veliky Novgorod.
Duration: 1.5 hour
- Easter - You have a good chance to hear rear “volochebnie” songs, to see and to take part in Easter rites: “Standing on the axe”, “Washing from the red egg”, in Easter games “Egg’s rolling”, hide of egg’s treasure. The main Christian holiday in Veliky Novgorod -is unforgettable!
Duration: 1.5 hour
- “Trinity “-“Green Trinity” - traditional folk games, Russian North’s entertaining pastime on the threshold of the coming summer : knucklebones, “rjuchy”, “vizhigalo”, stilts, round dances ,making of flower wreaths-all that represents bright and live history of the ancient Russia.
Duration: 1.5-2 hours
- Holiday of Ivan Kupala- pagan holiday program, summer’s peak. The ceremonies of purification by water and fire, kissing and valiant games, the selection of Kupala and Kupalenka, throw of flower wreaths into the water. Games in the ring, the selection of fiancй, dancing circle: “povertucha”, drinking song tradition. An ancient mystery on the bank of the river or lake.
Duration: 3 hours
- “Apple feast” - (at The Museum of Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsi”) from August till Christmas, 21 September-national celebration of a new year’s harvest. Celebration in honour of the first sheaf , the selection of the most beautiful girl, competitions-“ Paradise apples”,” Medovucha is done”(honey drink), folk games, Novgorod apple pies, tasting of Medovucha (honey drink)-everything that will help you find yourself in ancient times.
Duration: 2 hours
- “Russian wooden spoon genealogy”- A story about utensils, when the first wooden spoon appeared in Russian, about feast tradition with leisure entertaining program about ancient Russian ceremonies and customs! Tasting of Medovucha (honey drink), at will.
Duration: 1.5 hour
- “Christmas-tide customs”- Christmas-tide celebration according to Russian tradition at The Museum of Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsi” or in the open air: Christmas carols, fortunetelling concerning destiny, love and wealth, sledging, folk games- “dudar’ ”, “kubar’ “, “Sidor and Dzjuda”, brides ad grooms selection, Father Frost’s selection. Unforgettable New Year’s Eve celebration in Veliky Novgorod!
Duration: 1.5 hour
- “The tournament and military pastime of XII-XIV centuries”-Ancient Russian warriors’ fame, generally known, attracts everyone by its boldness and beauty. A real medieval weapon. One can see the strength and dexterity of Novgorod warriors in real time. Only in this program one can try the role of an archer or an infantryman.
Duration: 1 hour
- (Exclusive) “An evening in Russian village” at The Museum of Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsi”. Russian way of life and traditions alive. Songs on swings, kissing games, survey of a dowry, bride’s coming out to the porch, dances, at each peasant’s house. Ancient Russian amulets, ceremonies of the XV century, folk instruments (gusli, pipes, bagpipe, balalaika)
Duration: 1.5-2 hours
- “Brotherhood” (Exclusive)-leisure program on the bank of the river Volkhov. A living chronicle of the X century shows and tells about pagan holiday in Russia, about the raid of Vikings, who came on boat and Russian people’s courage. Meal with ancient Russian beverage vzvar.
Duration: 1.5 hour
- “Russian Razguljay” at The Museum of Wooden Architecture “Vitoslavlitsi”- Greeting with an offering of bread and salt , praising songs, games in ring, rites of the Novgorod region, dances, games, round dances with the immediate assistance of tourists. A musical and leisure program “Golden songs of Russia” and folk instruments’ orchestra with the assistance of tourists. Russian dainties: pancakes with salmon, pancakes with caviar, shashlik, light and strong drinks. (2 groups perform).
Duration: 3 hours
- “Life and traditions of Novgorod region”-visit to the handicraft workshops: Russian dress, birch bark wicker-work, traditional toy, and traditional women’s handicraft. Master class in one of the workshops: production of rag beads and doll-twisting- as a souvenir.
Duration: 2-2.5 hours
- “Novgorodskie posidki”-dancing and lyrical songs, playing round dances, Russian folk dances with the immediate assistance of tourists, matchmaking- rites and customs of our ancestors.
Duration: 1 hour
- Meeting with armed force of Vasiliy Buslaev and Novgorod warriors. Riflemen, games “shapki”, walks on stilts with obstacles, military, male games , “drunk fly” , folk games, all games with improvised means, also “rjuchi”, with a help of this game Vasiliy Buslaev used to recruit his warriors. One has to pass a number of tests, surrounded by the atmosphere of medieval Russia. Wins that one who has got the most points. Prize from Vasiliy Buslaev.
In each program there is a present from “Service-Tour”: tasting of traditional Novgorod beverages, and the purchase with a discount!